In this article, you will find 24 Llama coloring pages that you can print and download for free.
Llamas are creatures who have a peculiar appearance, but they have a great deal of personality to compensate for their peculiar appearance!
Popular lately because of their strong personalities and unique looks, these free llama coloring pages for kids are a wonderful way to show off these soft animals.
We’ve provided you with 24 free llamas coloring sheets for you to color in, and you can print and enjoy each one of them here! You can even send them to other people to make them happy.
So get ready to meet some adorable llamas as we kick off this collection.
If you’d like to use any of these free handouts, you can get the PDF on the same page by clicking on one of the pictures or links below.
You can print the following pages on letter-sized paper in the US, but they also work well on A4-sized paper! Have fun drawing!
10 Crafty Ideas To Do With Llama Coloring Pages
Coloring llamas is a fun activity for youngsters because these creatures are so unique and intriguing.
Here is a list of ten craft ideas that are not only fun and creative but also economical, and you can try them out with your finished coloring sheets!
1. Journaling Llama Notebooks
You can use llama-themed notebooks for learning, writing in a journal, or drawing. After you’ve finished coloring the llama picture, cut it out and glue it onto the cover of a little notebook or a stack of folded sheets of paper. If you want the cover to be more long-lasting, you can laminate it or varnish it with Mod Podge.
To improve the design, add fun touches like stickers, washi tape, or small pom-poms. On top of that, you could make a collection of miniature notebooks that include llamas of varying colors, which you could then give away as presents or as party favors. Putting a beautiful quote on the cover, like “Dream Big, No Drama Llama!” makes it even more unique.
2. Make a llama from Mexico
Having your kids make a cute llama to put on their desks or bureaus will be fun.
After the llama has been colored, it should be pasted to stiff cardboard, and then puffy paint in vivid colors should be applied to it to make a garland around its neck.
An adorable little DIY sombrero can be fastened to its crown, while clothespins fastened at the base of its body make excellent legs.
When the llama is set in any location, the shape of the clothespins will ensure that it stands upright.
3. Storytelling Llamas
Let’s work together to make a story with some friends or family members. To begin with, pick out a coloring page. Each person colors a different part of the llama and adds features like a background or other items.
After doing their part, everyone adds a sentence to a story about the llama’s journey. The story might be silly, funny, or even scary. Continue moving around the circle, coloring in the pictures, and adding to the story until you have a whole (and hopefully wacky) llama story.
4. Make a Sweet Llama Snowflake
If you are looking for a fun activity to do in the classroom, you may have the students construct a snowflake that looks like a lovely llama.
After each child has finished coloring and cutting out their llama, have them glue the llama’s legs to the outer circumference of the circle that they have cut out of a large piece of poster board. Cut a giant circle out of the circle.
Once all the llamas are fastened in this way, their heads will look like a snowflakes, and the kids can add their decorations to make it special!
5. Rainbow Llamas
An interesting way to learn about color theory is by giving your kids pencils or markers of different colors and challenging them to color each llama using a specific color palette. For example, you could use only warm colors (reds, oranges, and yellows) to color one llama and only cool colors (blues, greens, and purples) to color another.
Discuss the various color combinations and the impact that they have; in this way, they can learn easily about the value of using colors.
6. A Fun Way to Keep Coins Safe
To do this creative activity, give each kid a box about the size of an animal cracker box.
After coloring and cutting out two llamas, glue them to opposite sides of the container.
A fun way for children to save money is to “feed” their llamas, which may be achieved by cutting a slit in the top of the box for coins.
7. Llama Party Banners for Festive Decor
Your llama coloring pages can be transformed into colorful banners, perfect for llama-themed celebrations, which are common for fiestas, baby showers, and birthdays. First, use different designs and colors to color several llamas.
You can cut them out and glue them straight to twine or to triangle-shaped flag-shaped pieces of cardstock. Put pom-poms, tiny tassels, or brightly colored paper flowers between each llama to make it look more interesting.
For a fun and happy touch, hang the banner over doors, tables, or party backdrops. Decorating your party this way is simple, cheap, and adds a personal touch that you made yourself.
8. Llama With a Paper Plate
Once the llama is drawn, it needs to be cut out of the page so that the head and body are separate. These should be stuck to half of a paper plate with the frayed edge facing down.
After cutting the paper plate in half, stick the body to the middle part of one half and the head, slightly tilted, to the back.
The next step is to glue four popsicle sticks in a “x” pattern to the plate’s underside, forming the legs. It turned out to be a cute paper plate craft that looks just like a llama.
9. Organizer for Llamas
By having your child take a plain, empty tissue box and laminate it with brown construction paper, you can create a lovely spot for your child to store little objects.
After that, color the llama, detach its body and head, and then glue the former to the tissue box.
Subsequently, the llama’s head should be affixed to the front of the box with its head oriented sideways, and tiny dixie cups may be employed as the body’s feet.
The llama box is cute, and your child can now keep little things in it.
10. Llama Greeting Cards for Special Occasions
You can use your llama coloring pages to make cute greeting cards for parties, thank-you notes, or just to make someone’s day. You should cut out your llama, color it, and then glue it to a folded piece of paper. To make the card look better, decorate it with things like stickers, printed paper, or small felt pieces that give the card a textured look.
You can put a funny llama-themed message on the front, such as “You’re Llamazing! “, “No Prob-llama! “, or “Wool Always Be Friends!” Write your unique note inside, and you could add small decorations like washi tape, glitter, or buttons. Friends and family will love these one-of-a-kind cards that were made with love and care.