Banana Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDFs)

On this page, you’ll find 18 original banana coloring pages, all 100% free to download and print! With our illustrations, we depicted a wide variety of bananas, including adorable bananas, banana bunches, banana palms, simple banana outlines, and even bananas with a different themes!

These printables and templates are wonderful resources that can be used to educate toddlers and children about this exotic fruit that is both delicious and unique. You could also use them as decorations for a party with a jungle theme, as a fun activity to do on a wet day, or as a craft project to do on a late Sunday afternoon.

Click on any one of the images or links below to access the free PDF and begin coloring. When opened, you’ll have the option to download or print.

While all of the pages below are on US letter-sized paper, they all fit nicely on A4 paper as well! Lovely coloring!

11 Crafty Ideas To Do With Banana Coloring Pages

Please continue reading this article to learn about the various ways in which our coloring pages with a banana theme can be utilized, such as for classroom projects for both teachers and children, party decorations, stationery, and other fascinating ideas!

1. The Food Pyramid

The process of learning about the food pyramid can be very tedious for children at times; therefore, if you want to make this kind of lesson more interesting for your students, you should consider making it creative.

If you want to encourage your pupils to make their own physical dioramas of the food pyramid, you can try printing out our banana coloring sheets (along with other food coloring pages).

When the children have finished coloring in the pictures of the bananas and other food coloring sheets, they should then construct a pyramid out of cardboard or poster board using the coloring sheets.

Cut out the picture shapes and put them on the pyramid so that they show where they belong in each food group.

Once the kids are done making their pyramids, have them write down facts about each food group, like how healthy it is, how much of it is suggested, what vitamins it contains, and so on.

Make sure to give extra points for cool ideas!

2. Banana Paper Fans

Make a cute and useful hand fan out of your banana coloring page to beat the heat. After coloring your banana pattern all the way through, cut it out and glue it to a strong paper plate or a thick piece of cardboard. Cut off any extra paper so that the shape of the banana is perfect. As a handle, you can attach a wooden craft stick or a popsicle stick to the back of the object.

If you want to make the fan last longer, you can laminate the pattern or use Mod Podge to keep the colors from fading. This is a great craft for kids to do, especially for summer events with a tropical theme, like picnics or pool parties. If you want to be really creative, glue two similar banana cutouts next to each other to make a fan with two sides.

3. Jungle-themed Party

If you want to save money on party items for your child’s jungle-themed party, like a Tarzan party, how about making your own?

You can use our banana coloring pages to decorate the food table! Print out the bananas and color them. Then, cut out the shapes.

On top of that, you can tape the pictures to the tabletop and use them as placemats or doilies.

4. Banana-Themed Bookmarks for Kids

To make Fun and bright banana bookmarks that will get people to read more. First of all, either cut out a long, rectangular form with your banana art on it or cut around the banana to make a bookmark with a shape. To make the bookmark last longer, laminate it or glue it to thick paper.

With a black pen or a printed label, you can add a funny quote like “Go bananas for books!” or “Stay ripe for knowledge!” to make it your own. Make a hole in the top and add a ribbon, bow, or even a small bead to make it look nicer.

For children who take pleasure in reading, these bookmarks are not only an excellent reward, but they are also an excellent addition to activities that take place at schools or in libraries.

5. Board for Banana Research

If your class is learning about nutrition, the rainforest, or something similar, you could give them a creative study project to make the work more fun.

If you need help with this kind of task, our banana-themed coloring sheets can help. I also think you should make a research presentation board.

There are enough of our banana coloring pages to give each student one, and each child should also get a poster board.

When you are finished coloring in the drawings, fold the poster boards in half to create a crease, and then paste the photographs of bananas to one side of the board, leaving the other side blank.

The kids should write down their study on lined paper or type it up and print it out. They should then stick this on the board across from them.

Put them in charge of coming up with interesting titles for their boards (for example, “Things You Didn’t Know About Bananas”), and then have them present their boards in front of the class.

6. Banana Notebooks for School or Work

With the coloring pages you have, you can create your very own notebook or journal with a banana theme. After coloring, cut out several banana forms and stack them to make pages. Make a small flipbook by stapling or hole-punching them at the top and binding them with aluminum rings or a ribbon.

To make the notebook stronger, glue the first and last pages to a paper sheet that will be the cover. The little papers can be used to take notes, draw, or keep track of interesting facts about bananas. You can also make them unique by putting your name or an encouraging quote on the front.

7. Gift Bags and Wrapping Paper

If your next party has a jungle theme, these banana coloring sheets would be great to use as present wrap for smaller items.

After printing the picture and coloring it (I suggest also coloring the background), all you have to do is fold it up and tape it like you would normal wrapping paper.

For an activity like this, try using our Banana With Leaves Coloring Sheet (up there).

You may also use these photographs to adorn gift bags and boxes. You can either paste the complete picture on the bag or box, or cut off the silhouette and reuse it as a sticker or bow.

8. Banana-Themed Puzzle for Kids

Make your banana coloring page into a game that kids will enjoy and learn from. Once the banana illustration is colored, attach the entire sheet to a firm surface, such as a thick piece of cardstock or cardboard. Create separate parts by first drawing shapes that resemble puzzle pieces on the back of the board with a ruler, and then cutting along the lines in a methodical manner.

Be sure to put the puzzle away in a tiny envelope or plastic bag so that children can put it back together whenever they feel like it. Depending on the amount of pieces you make, this do-it-yourself puzzle can be adjusted to different difficulty levels, making it a great tool for engaging young children and cultivating their problem-solving abilities.

9. Banana-Themed Story Book

Have your kids make a banana-themed storybook with our banana coloring sheets.

First, print out several of these coloring pages—enough for each child to make a 16–30 page book—and have the kids color them. Then, have them staple the pages together.

The cover of the book should be made from a big piece of colored craft paper or card stock. Make a crease in the middle by folding it in half, then staple the coloring pages in that seam.

I would like to request that the children write their stories on index cards and then place them at the bottom of each page. Extra points if they say something true about bananas.

Tell your students to show off their books to the class and then give them to their parents to keep as a present.

10. Envelopes for Letters & Invitations

If you want to send personalized notes or invitations, you can make your envelopes with a banana motif. First, color your banana pictures. Next, fold a square or rectangular piece of paper in half to make an envelope. For a bright, hand-made look, glue your banana art to the front or inside flap before you seal it.

To invite people to a tropical party, say thank you, or even write fun letters to pen pals, these envelopes are great. On the outside, you can write fun things like “Sending You a Peel of Happiness!” or “A Sweet Surprise Inside!” to make it even more fun for the person who receives it.

11. Banana-Themed Greeting Cards

You can make custom birthday cards, thank-you notes, or fun messages out of your banana coloring pages. After the sheet has been colored, cut out the form of a banana and adhere it to a piece of cardstock that has been folded. To add a comical touch, you might include humorous remarks such as “I’m bananas for you!” or “Peel better soon!”

Add stickers, glitter, or hand-drawn features to the card to make it look nice. These cards are perfect for giving as one-of-a-kind, handcrafted presents that light up someone’s day with a little bit of fruity joy.